We’ve put together some tips to make your home winter-ready for this coming season.
#1: Weatherproof windows and doors
Keep your house warm without breaking the bank. Avoid high energy costs this winter by checking for air leaks on frames, windows, and doors. Weatherstripping or caulk will hopefully suffice, but if the leak is severe you may want to consider spending the money on replacements. Your wallet will thank you later!
#2: Plumbing and insulation
Time to winterize pipes, hoses, and faucets. Be sure to shut off and drain any outdoor water lines and faucets. Ensure your pipes are in good working condition and consider insulating unprotected pipes. Keeping a warm home and maintaining proper insulation can help to prevent pipes from freezing. Familiarize household members of the shut off valve to prevent leaking in the event of a bursting pipe.
For more information on prevention and repair of frozen pipes you can visit https://www.lowes.com/n/how-to/frozen-pipes-prevention-and-repair
#3: Gutters and downspouts
Clean and inspect your gutters. Remove dirt and debris to minimize extra weight for when snow and freezing temperatures arrive. Inspect for any cracks and ensure everything is properly aligned. Consider extending downspouts 3-5 feet to direct melting snow and ice away from your home.
#4: Heating and safety
Before temperatures begin to drop take the time to prepare your HVAC system. Change your air filters, clean your ducts if necessary, and clear the space around your furnace. You may also consider upgrading your thermostat to improve HVAC efficiency and save on energy costs. Schedule an appointment with a technician to make sure your system is in good shape to keep you and your family warm and safe this winter. Additionally, if you have a wood burning fireplace or stove be sure to get your annual chimney sweep.
House fires are most common in winter when furnaces and fireplaces are running. We also tend to have our homes closed to outside air, reducing ventilation and potentially increasing carbon monoxide levels. Be sure to have your fire alarms and carbon monoxide detectors operational and up to date.
#5: Lawn and landscape
Clear your lawn, cut the grass short and fertilize prior to the first frost. Adding compost and mulch to garden beds in late fall will create a heating blanket to trap in nutrients and prevent soil erosion and weed development. Cover small trees and shrubs to protect them from heavy snowfalls. Trim dead branches from trees and branches that are close to your house to prevent them from breaking off and causing damage. Have your shovels, snow-melting materials, and sand ready for when winter weather arrives.
Please feel free to reach out if you need assistance on finding local, reputable contractors to help you winterize your home. Winter is coming! Stay safe and warm Kingston.

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