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Monthly Maintenance Tips – January

An Article Created by the Quaresma Realty Group

It’s a new year(!) & a great time to ensure your home is up-to-date and safe for the upcoming year ahead. Check out these Monthly Maintenance Tips for January.

January Monthly Maintenance Tips

✓ It’s time to move on from the holidays and put away all of your holiday decor. When packing things away, take the time to clean up and clean out those storage areas. It’s also a great time to get rid of any items you no longer use or no longer love. Out with the old & in with the new!

✓ Test your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors, and replaces batteries if needed. You should be checking them at least once a month to be sure they are working, and changing the batteries at least every 6 months. The device itself should be changed every 5-7 years. Click here for more information on carbon monoxide alarms.

✓ Go through your household items and make note of anything that needs replacing or replenishing. Stock up on supplies, including medical supplies and first aid kits! Be sure to also get rid of any expired products. Then- organize, organize, organize!

That’s it for Monthly Maintenance Tips for January. Be sure to follow along on our blog for Monthly Maintenance Tips each month!

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