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Monthly Maintenance Tips – September

An Article Created by the Quaresma Realty Group

Before you say goodbye to summer 2022, make some time for home maintenance prep for the changing season ahead. This month, you will want to tend to the outside of your home and outdoor spaces. Here are our monthly maintenance tips for September:

✅ It’s time to inspect and replace your furnace filter after a hot summer. This is particularly important following a cold or hot season because you are likely to run your heating and cooling system more frequently, causing more dust to build up and clog the filter. You should get in the habit of checking your filter every 30 days and changing it at least every 90 days. To learn how to change your furnace filter, click here.

✅ Now is the time to tidy up your yard and gardens: prune bushes, plants, and dead wood. Not only will you have a more attractive yard for the fall, but taking the time to clean up this summer will create a fresh, clean slate for next summer.

✅ Summer thunderstorms can cause debris to accumulate and clog your gutters, leading to costly water damage down the road. So grab a ladder and inspect your gutters and drains to ensure they are clear. Call a professional gutter cleaning service if this task is beyond your scope. Let us know if you need help finding one!

✅ Last but not least, it’s time to put away summer equipment in preparation for the cooler months ahead. It’s a good idea to clean anything you are storing and ensure that it is dry. Things to start storing away include outdoor furniture and cushions, play equipment, sports equipment, seasonal accessories, BBQs, garden tools, camping equipment, and other outdoor gear. For tips on how to store these items, visit the attached link.

That’s it for your monthly maintenance tips for September. For monthly maintenance tips each month, be sure to follow our blog.

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